


airport, energy saving, energy efficiency, energy system management


In the article the management system model effective volume of consumption of electricity airport. In developing models of automated control systems efficient consumption of electricity airports must comply with three key criteria: safety, regularity and efficiency. When building control systems important characteristic is its structure, which provides technical and economic management. Under these conditions, system requirements formulated in the form of indicators. These indicators are given as fixed, or they have to get in the process of finding the appropriate management mode (best mode). Such systems solve existing management systems including and automated dispatching. These control systems are based on the technological model of the object, technical monitoring, evaluation of technical supervision, implementation of the technical evaluation. In order to effectively manage the consumption of electricity proposed organization airports solitary life energy. Under SEM mean a structural unit of the airport, which includes the necessary organizational structure, planning activities, responsibilities and procedures, processes and resources for the development, implementation and evaluation of progress and improvement of policies, goals and objectives of improving energy efficiency and measures to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Identified information management and communication between energy service units and airport. Efficiency management system based on advanced algorithms and techniques on the valuation of specific power consumption and forecasting electricity consumption of the airport. The effectiveness of these measures is increased by the phased implementation of a set of practical recommendations. Practical application of models of automated control system for efficient consumption of electricity airports will establish information flows and management responsible departments Airport to provide proposals and determine corrective actions to effectively power consumption. Permanent monitoring of electricity consumption objects of airport regulation and prediction of power is the key to improving energy security.

Author Biographies

Viktor Panasovych Zakharchenko, Національний авіаційний університет

канд. техн. наук, доц

Nataliia Petrivna Sokolova, Національний авіаційний університет

канд. техн. наук, доц


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