
  • Anatolii Vasylovych Voloshko Національний технічний університет України «Київський політехнічний інститут імені Ігоря Сікорського», Ukraine
  • Andrii Leonidovych Kharchuk Національний технічний університет України «Київський політехнічний інститут імені Ігоря Сікорського», Ukraine



harmonic analysis, Furie transform, time-frequency representation of the signal, packet wavelet-transform


The article focuses on the application of wavelet transform tools for measuring and evaluating power quality. Identified faults of application of the Fourier transform for the harmonic analysis of the signal voltage. However, some deficiencies can be addressed using windowed Fourier transform, but this method has a problem in the phenomenon of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. Additionally considered such methods of signal processing, the Gilbert transform, the Wigner distribution, the Walsh transform. An analysis of existing methods of signal processing, to determine their defects in analyzing voltage signal. Submitted the fundamentals and advantages of the wavelet transform for voltage harmonic analysis over other methods, including Fourier transform. Results of the studies on the application of wavelet transform to determine the parameters of power quality. The recommendations on the features and advantages of the application of the wavelet transform over other methods in conducting the identification and analysis of power quality parameters. The procedure to calculate the RMS values of the harmonic signal group based on the relevant coefficients of the wavelet transform. Recommended in the engineering practice, particularly in the application of Techniques for measuring the quality of electricity is applied wavelet transform for harmonic analysis of voltage.


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Robi Polikar The wavelet tutorial. The Engineer’s ultimate guide to wavelet analysis.