
  • Viktor Petrovych Rozen Національний технічний університет України «Київський політехнічний інститут імені Ігоря Сікорського», Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0440-4251
  • Serhii Viktorovych Vdovenko Національний авіаційний університет, Ukraine




energy saving, energy efficiency, fuel and energy resources, hydrocarbon resources waste monitoring, oil refinery, management functions, SCADA


The present status of the energy resources efficiency in Ukraine and CIS countries can be defined as one that does not meet modern requirements. One of the reasons for this is the excessive waste of hydrocarbons. Particularly acute this problem is in the field of oil refining. Most of the processing units on the CIS countries territory were built in 60-70 years, when energy savings were not given much importance. To date, refinery equipment are worn out, the power consumption and the level of hydrocarbons waste in the basic processes on 30-60% higher than in modern foreign plants. This is explained by the crisis theories and methods of energy-efficient hydrocarbon resources use. This is the urgent need now in comprehensive introduction into practice new techniques and new energy efficient equipment based on preventing excessive hydrocarbons waste during oil processing, storage and shipment of petroleum products at the refinery The paper describes the functional model of energy efficiency management system and the main stages the hydrocarbon resources waste monitoring system implementation at the refineries. This system contributes to the effective management of the refinery units, decreases the power and crude oil consumption expenditures and provides the possibility of obtaining higher quality oil products while reducing human impact on the environment.


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