
  • Vasyl Prokopovych Kalinchyk Національний технічний університет України «Київський політехнічний інститут імені Ігоря Сікорського», Ukraine
  • Mariia Temuriivna Buravlova Інститут технічної теплофізики НАН України, Ukraine



renewable and alternative energy sources, comprehensive approach, long-term forecasting, priority technologies of energy generation, risk assessment


The aim of this work is to improve efficiency of the renewable and alternative energy sources potential use (RAES) of the regions of Ukraine through the use of comprehensive approach. This approach should rationally solve the problem of renewable energy projects selection, to ensure long-term forecast of energy system indicators to identify major trends in the energy generation industry and region. Approach provides a reasonable choice of the initial project implementation, taking into account economic, environmental, technological criteria from a set of possible alternatives. Includes a component of the risk analysis of renewable energy-based enterprises and priority risk management techniques. The results of long-term forecasting for Ukraine confirms global trends in the energy sector, namely the increase in energy demand, increase of traditional and renewable energy generation. Comprehensive approach to the analysis of renewable energy projects provides easy and fast decision-making process for project selection based on renewable energy sources, reduces losses due to the risks consideration.


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