
  • Serhii Petrovych Denysiuk Національний технічний університет України «Київський політехнічний інститут імені Ігоря Сікорського», Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6299-3680




energy efficiency, policy imp lementation, current priorities, the European orientation, innovation, the system measures the technological platform road map


The features of the implementation of energy efficiency policy in terms of international best practices. Highlight the basic principles of energy efficiency policy in Ukraine: energy planning as source control energy efficiency, autonomy of cities and regions of Ukraine in developing plans fo r energy development and energy conservation programs, taking into account the established objectives, monitoring of energy efficiency in Ukraine, state control over the implementation of the plans of energy development in Ukraine and energy efficiency programs cities. Shown that the methods and tools of energy efficiency policy are: regulatory and legal regulation of activities on energy consumption, pricing, credit and tax policies that encourage energy efficiency and energy conservation, state support of innovative development of energy-saving technologies and equipment, attracting investment for energy saving, energy efficiency projects, certification and standardization of energy equipment and technology, accounting and control of energy expenditure, en ergy audits, information support energy markets.


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