


heat insulation, energy efficiency, air convective drying, basalt fibers


The paper presents the results of the experimental study of air convective drying of flat basalt-bentonite heat insulation products of various thickness and density. Were considered products with the thickness of 50 and 100 mm, and the density of from 100 to 225 kg / m 3. The effect on the intensity of the process temperature and the average speed of the drying agent was studied. The temperature of the drying agent varied in the range from 100 to 180 ° C with its average moisture content of 20-25 grams of moisture / kg of dry air. The average speed of the drying agent ranged from 1 to 10 m / s. For insulating products there are periods with constant and falling drying speed. In the considered range of product thicknesses, both the first and second critical moisture content are observed. It is noted that with decreasing thickness of the heat insulation product, the values of critical moisture content increase. The influence of the thickness and density of the heat insulation product on the kinetic characteristics of the drying process has been established. The dependence for the drying rate in the first period, as a function of temperature and speed of the drying agent, is given. Using the method of V. Krasnikova constructed generalized curves of air convective drying, established the values of the reduced moisture content and the relative coefficients of drying. A generalized dependence is obtained for calculating the time of air convective drying of heat insulation basalto-bentonite products of various thickness and density. It is noted that the rational organization of the process allows to achieve a 2-3-fold reduction in specific energy consumption per unit of evaporated moisture. The study serves as the basis for the development of energy-efficient heat technology modes of convective drying of basalt-bentonite insulation products and its hardware design.


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