
  • Ivan Ivanovych Pukhovyi Національний технічний університет України «Київський політехнічний інститут імені Ігоря Сікорського», Ukraine



thermocapillary forces, density the irrigation, rotating disk


Experimental study of the influence of temperature, the subcooling of water to boiling temperature, the heat flux, the centrifugal acceleration and the radius of the rotating copper and stainless steel discs with radius 0,15 m on the starting of the water film blowout on under the action of thermocapillary forces. Copper wets worse than stainless steel. With increasing of the speed of rotation of the disc and reducing of the heat flux density the minimal irrigation is reduced. Results of the study are compared with known theoretical solution. There is good a qualitative agreement between the influence of various parameters, except for the radius. The match of numerical results is observed only when the calculated wetting angles are less than 5 degrees. In the experiments it was found that the minimum density of irrigation is ranged from 0.2 to 20 g/(m·s).


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