

Ключові слова:

diagnostics, electric motor, emergency modes, test automation


Diagnosing the condition of electrical equipment during its manufacture, repair and preventive inspections is an integral part of the technological process. Devices for diagnostics are required by enterprises of the industrial and energy complex, railway and sea transport, mining, concentrating and pulp and paper mills, repair plants, etc.In serial and mass production, the desire to automate the production process as much as possible is natural, which also includes the stage of testing electric machines. Studies have shown that the complexity of control operations is up to 15% of the complexity of the manufacture of electric motors. The average time norms for conducting acceptance tests of one electric machine of average power make 3 ... 35 hours. The average time for processing the results of acceptance tests of one machine is 0.6 ... 4 hours. Naturally, such a high complexity of testing and processing their results makes us look for ways to automate testing.Electric motors are usually designed for a service life of 15... 20 years without major repairs, provided they are properly operated. Proper operation means operation in accordance with the nominal parameters specified in the passport data of the motor. However, in practice there is a significant deviation from the nominal modes of operation. These are, first of all, low quality of supply voltage and violation of rules of technical operation: technological overloads, environmental conditions (the raised humidity, temperature), decrease in resistance of isolation, cooling disturbance.The consequence of such deviations are emergency modes of operation of electric motors. In some subsectors of industry, the accident rate of electric motors ranges from 20 to 50% per year. Failure of the electric motor leads to severe accidents and significant material damage due to downtime, the cost of repairing the consequences of accidents and repair of the failed electric motor. Repair of an electric car with a capacity of 1 kW costs 250-300 UAH. To estimate the cost of repairing a more powerful machine, you need to multiply this figure by the engine power. In addition, operation in emergency modes leads to increased power consumption and increased reactive power consumption.


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5. D.Y. Rod'kyn. Systems of dynamic loading and diagnostics of electric motors with post-repair tests /D.Y. Rod'kyn – M.: Nedra, 1992. – 236 p.

6. Zakladnyi O.O. Methods of functional diagnostics asynchronous electric energy. Enerhetyka: ekonomika, tekhnolohiyi, ekolohiya. 2013. #1, p. 79-84.

7. Syromyatnykov Y.A. Modes of operation of asynchronous and synchronous motors / Y.A. Syromyatnykov;edited by L.H. Mamykonyantsa. – 4th ed. revised and enlarged. – M.: Energoatomisdat, 1984. – 240 p.

8. N.F. Kotelenets, N.A. Akimova, and M.V. Antonov, Tests, operation and repair of electric machines:Textbook for high schools, Moscow, Russia: Publishing Center "Academy", 2003.




