The methodical issues of industrial energy monitoring systems implementation




energy baseline, energy efficiency, energy management system, energy monitoring system, specific energy consumption, specific energy consumption indicator


Statistics show that energy is one of the highest operating costs in a manufacturing enterprise. So, improving energy efficiency can lead to a significant increase in profits and reduce the impact of the enterprise on the environment. To increase the performance of energy efficiency activities, it is necessary to implement an energy management system. One of the components of this system is energy monitoring, which, in turn, is based on the periodic collection and analysis of data to assess the state of the monitoring objects in terms of energy efficiency. In this paper, the role and place of energy monitoring in the energy management system of an industrial enterprise are noted. The paper proposes the concept of creating energy monitoring system in industrial companies, which is based on the combination of a monitoring system based on specific energy consumption, and usage of group energy characteristics of production facilities. Implementing such energy monitoring systems will allow to conduct operational control of energy efficiency of production facilities by creating individual systems for monitoring energy efficiency, as well as successfully carry out such monitoring at the enterprise and its subdivisions over longer periods of time using specific energy consumption indicators. It also provides general guidelines for conducting energy monitoring. These guidelines were formed based on the results of studying various methods and scientific publications in the field of energy monitoring, as well as on the basis of practical experience in the development and implementation of energy management systems. Particular attention is paid to the issues of processing and analysis of information about the objects of energy monitoring of industrial enterprises. The practical application of the concept of creating energy monitoring systems envisages gradual improvement of the existing monitoring system based on the specific energy consumption, which will be further completely replaced with individual energy efficiency monitoring systems.


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