Rating algorithm development for assessing the effectiveness of the occupational health and safety management





rating, safety indicators, occupational safety, nuclear power plant, Copeland method


Purpose. The purpose of the article is development of a rating algorithm to assess the effectiveness of the occupational health and safety management system at electricity companies. The algorithm aims to determine the ranking scale of enterprises according to standardised safety indicators.

Methodology. There is a certain level of uncertainty on the existing methods for providing and analysing statistical information on accidents, occupational hazards, occupational injuries and occupational diseases. Planning and management tasks are most often carried out when the necessary formal information is insufficient or uncertain. In addition to numerical statistics, information may include other, informal quantities that cannot be measured. Therefore, logical calculations with multivalued logic or ranking rules and investigate the invariance of selection rules for groups of transformations on a finite set of alternatives can be used to handle such knowledge. The formalisation of the ranking problem based on the Copeland method involves the construction of pairwise comparison tables for all formal safety indicators.
Obtaining an assessment of the situation occurs with the use of a computer system and a decision support system, which increases the efficiency and accuracy of the assessment of the situation.

Results. A formal apparatus for rating single-type enterprises to assess the effectiveness of the enterprise occupational health and safety management system in the have been developed using intelligent information technologies.

Originality. Based on the Copeland method and the paired comparison method, a safety rating algorithm has been developed, the implementation of which makes it possible to assess the performance of the occupational safety and health system. The results have illustrated the competitive advantage of some enterprises over others and motivate management to take action to improve workplace safety.

Practical value. Formalisation of information on hazardous and harmful occupational factors makes it possible to treat the subject area as a complex dynamic system, consisting of objects of a different nature, the totality of which determines the safety level. The developed rating method allows transferring the obtained results to decision-making support systems, illustrating competitive advantages of some enterprises over others, motivating management to take actions to improve occupational safety.


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