Environmental impact of industrial transport





industrial road transport, air quality, emissions, air pollution, carbon monoxide, the impact of emissions on the environment, promising fuels


The article discusses topical issues and problems of the impact of industrial road transport on the environment, namely: emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere depending on the type of fuel and their negative impact on human health. The significant increase in the vehicle fleet is causing great harm in the form of harmful emissions from fuel combustion systems, which cannot be dealt with standard car cleaning systems. The situation is aggravated by the fact that car emissions are concentrated in the surface air layer - precisely in the zone of our breathing. Low- quality gasoline is still used, polluting the environment. About 280 harmful substances were found in the exhaust gases of cars, including carcinogenic benzopyrenes, nitrogen oxides, lead, mercury, aldehydes, carbon oxides, soot, hydrocarbons. These emissions increase significantly when starting off or increasing speed. Diesel engine emissions are different from gasoline engine emissions. A diesel engine burns fuel more completely, oxidizes less carbon and produces less non-combustible hydrocarbons. But, at the same time, due to the lack of air in the diesel engine, more nitrogen oxide is formed. Diesel engines also emit soot. Gas emissions from transport into the atmosphere are exposed to sunlight, which leads to photochemical reactions leading to the formation of NО2, 0з, peroxides, benzopyrene (C22H14) and other compounds. In addition, each vehicle emits rubber dust into the atmosphere when its tires are abraded and worn out. Accordingly, the scale of damage caused by transport to the environment and people is also increasing. The article analyzes the existing and promising types of fuel and the reduction of the technogenic impact of industrial road transport on the environment in Ukraine.


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