


energy hub, multi-energy system, renewable energy source, energy storage, combined system, electricity generation, ventilation and air conditioning system


The implementation of an integrated energy supply system is an effective way to increase energy efficiency, reduce CO2 emissions and increase the use of renewable energy, as well as provide opportunities for energy production, conversion and storage in interconnected infrastructures for energy system operators and consumers. Also, increasing the level of energy efficiency of the energy supply system is one of the important strategies to slow down the growth of demand and mitigate the negative impact on health, the economy and the environment. The article considers the integrated use of energy, the introduction of energy hubs as part of future energy networks and proposes a schematic diagram of an integrated energy supply system. The article presents the results of modeling and computational experiment of ventilation and air conditioning systems in the integrated power supply system, taking into account the technical and operational characteristics of SES, regulatory and technical documents and building codes. According to the results of the study, it is established that the schedule of SES generation and the schedule of electricity consumption by ventilation and air conditioning systems are similar, which leads to a reduction in operating costs and a reduction in the load on the building's power supply system. The scientific substantiation of the integration of the energy storage system into the energy supply structure has been further developed, which will ensure the reliability of the power supply and the efficiency of the solar power plant.


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