


restrictions on electricity consumers, the cost of interruption for the consumer, interruption tariffs, econometric model, consumer surveys, hybrid model


The use of schedules to disconnect consumers from electricity to reduce the load on the UES of Ukraine is an outdated model and may not meet the standards and requirements of the new model of the electricity market in Ukraine. The study of consumer desires and needs is a very promising area in improving the efficiency of the balancing mechanism in the electricity market and is an important factor in calculating interruption tariffs. In this paper, to minimize costs due to power outages, the consumer considers the creation of a hybrid econometric approach that combines the advantages and minimizes the disadvantages of two models: the popular consumer survey model and the econometric model. An econometric model that uses the added value created by a group of consumers for the year is a practical way to estimate the cost of planned outages. The method of consumer surveys is the most popular tool for assessing reliability in the electricity market. The paper proposes to use publicly available consumer data collected through a simple survey of consumers about their actions in case of undesirable power outages, taking into account the specifics of their work. It is worth noting that this study focuses on the interruption scenario that will lead to the highest shutdown costs, it covers only winter outages in the afternoon and eliminates the effect of the difference between time of day and season.


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ISSN 2308-7382 (Online)

ISSN 1813-5420 (Print). Енергетика: економіка, технології, екологія. 2021. No 1

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