energy efficiency improvement, financial and technical indicators, Microgrid, diesel generator, hybrid power supply system, dynamic electric cost model, Smart meters.Abstract
It is shown that increasing the energy efficiency of Microgrid with diesel generators requires solving the problem of optimizing the modes of operation of Microgrid using as an optimization criterion for reducing the consumption of primary fuel diesel generators. To study the energy efficiency of such types of Microgrid as a criterion that has a direct impact on the amount of electricity generated, selected adequate accounting of primary fuel consumption when generating a given amount of electricity in the system.
The article determines that one of the important indicators of diesel generator sets is their efficiency, which is determined by the ratio of energy produced to fuel consumption per hour of operation at rated load. It is shown that the reduction of fuel consumption allows to increase the efficiency of diesel generators, and different types of steady and transient modes of diesel generators significantly affect the efficiency of Microgrid in terms of technical and financial efficiency.
To improve the technical and economic indicators in Microgrid with diesel generators, the article proposes to use the electric cost model of the power generation system, which allows to calculate both the dynamic change of generated power and the dynamic change of its cost and the cost of primary fuel. This model allows flexible nonlinear tracking of fuel consumption, which, taking into account the cost of diesel fuel, can serve as an economic criterion for determining the energy efficiency of the generating system.
The article presents an algorithm for evaluating the financial and technical performance of Microgrid in dynamic modes over a period of technology, which not only evaluates the economic and energy efficiency of Microgrid with diesel generators, but can also be used to modify Smart meters, which can significantly expand their functionality.
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