



water regeneration, jet compressor, distiller, efficiency.


The article is devoted to the development and research of energy-saving technologies in the industrial heat industry, namely the use of a jet compressor to increase the energy efficiency of a distillation unit based on a centrifugal distiller. The use of centrifugal forces in the distillation unit intensifies the heat transfer processes in it, and thus reduces the material consumption of the system. The use of a heat pump based on a jet compressor utilizes the heat of condensation of secondary steam during evaporation of the solution, which reduces the specific energy consumption for the distillate. The article presents the results of autonomous research of the original jet compressor, which provides mounting of the working nozzle on the stationary body of the centrifugal distiller, and the mixing chamber and diffuser on the rotor of the centrifugal distiller, which allows to develop a centrifugal distiller without The experimental characteristics of the jet compressor are compared with the calculated ones.

Studies of the jet compressor confirmed its efficiency and sufficient consistency of the calculated and experimental characteristics of the compressor. Shifting the axis of the working nozzle of the jet compressor relative to the axis of the mixing chamber (eccentricity of these axes) by ± 0.52 mm gives a reduction in the injection ratio of not less than 10%. Therefore, when assembling the apparatus, it is quite permissible that the axes of the working nozzle and the mixing chamber do not coincide within ± 0.2 mm. Changing the length of the inlet section of the mixing chamber within ± 1 mm and shifting the axis of the working nozzle of the jet compressor relative to the axis of the mixing chamber within ± 0.2 mm are allowed when designing and assembling a distiller with jet compressor.

The results of the experimental study make it possible to develop a centrifugal distiller with a jet compressor, in which the working nozzle of the compressor will be mounted on a fixed body, and the diffuser and mixing chamber will be mounted on the rotor. This design will eliminate the seal between the working nozzle and the mixing chamber of the jet compressor.


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