local energy object, classification of local objects, SWOT - analysis of microgrids, energy balance, consumers, energy saving, energy efficiency.Abstract
Goal. Clarify the definition of the term "local energy object", by disclosing its essence and content in the energy network. To find out the strategic directions necessary for the development and dissemination of energy innovations in Ukraine with the participation of microgrids.
Task. Analyze and establish requirements for determining the term of a local energy object, develop a classification of energy objects according to different classification criteria. Justify the importance and essence of local energy objects in the power grid. Conduct a comprehensive assessment and analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of microgrids through the use of SWOT - analysis methodologies.
The result of the study. The article proposes and formulates the definition of the term of the local energy object. The classification of objects is developed by such categorical features as: economic - geographical position, functional purpose, power supply mode, criterion of effective management, method of management, type of performed task, parameter of electric energy consumption (power, type of current), size of object, human influence, form of ownership, category of electric receivers. The advantages and disadvantages, as well as opportunities and threats to the development of power supply of local objects as part of microgrids are presented. SWOT analysis methodology was used to conduct analytical research (analysis).
Scientific novelty consists in the introduction into scientific circulation of a new term, such as "local energy object", as well as in the disclosure of its essence, content and meaning.
Conclusions and practical significance. The definition of the term "local energy object" is clarified, its essence, content and meaning in the composition of energy networks are revealed, which helps to characterize the main subjects of energy. The strategic directions necessary for the development and dissemination of energy innovations in Ukraine in the long run are provided.
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