trench candle, power, efficiency, paraffin, wick, paraffin autonomous heating deviceAbstract
The work presents the general concept of creating autonomous heating devices, taking into account the peculiarities of thermal processes that occur during the generation, accumulation and consumption of heat generated in the process of burning paraffin. The main regularities of thermal radiation of paraffin autonomous heating devices have been established, taking into account the peculiarities of the interaction of the constituent elements, which will allow establishing the mutual influence of various parts of the research object on its condition. The main goal of the conducted research was experimental research with the development of new designs of paraffin autonomous heating devices, taking into account the peculiarities of thermal processes that occur during the generation, accumulation and consumption of heat. For the first time, the combustion process of a paraffin heating device of different power was experimentally investigated under conditions that are as close as possible to natural and operational conditions. On the basis of experimental data, the specific indicators of combustion power, heat transfer and efficiency of a paraffin candle were determined. It was determined that an increase in the power of paraffin autonomous heating devices leads to a rapid decrease in the efficiency, which is explained by a decrease in the stoichiometric coefficient of the combustible mixture. Recommendations have been established to optimize the design of paraffin autonomous heating devices, which will allow to reduce the consumption of paraffin. A new design of a multifunctional paraffin autonomous heating device has been developed, which contains several functions: a heat source for the room; light; heat accumulator. It is proposed to use a thin-walled metal cylinder with corrugated walls filled with paraffin as a heat accumulator for paraffin autonomous heating devices.
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