


One of the most important components of the electricity market is its instrumental support, which is a set of systems, instruments, devices, communication channels, algorithms, etc. To control and manage the parameters of energy consumption and energy supply. The basis for the formation and development of instrumental support is the automated systems of commercial account of electric power (ASCA). In addition to the tasks of monitoring energy consumption and power supply, it is also advisable to use ASCA to solve the tasks of monitoring the power quality, identifying the culprits of harmonic distortions and determination the degree of participation of each element of the distribution system in the distribution of higher harmonics power in order to improve the quality and reliability of power supply consumers and adjust the amount of payment for consumed electricity. This paper discusses the issues of the possibility of ASCA for monitoring the harmonic set of voltage and current curves in distribution systems in order to identify and assess of harmonic distortion sources. The block diagram of an industrial facility ASCA and its main components are considered. An algorithm for expanding the functionality of electricity meters is proposed, which makes it possible to control the harmonic composition of the supplied power, to register the power and energy of higher harmonics. Considered are the issues of using counters with recording the power and energy of higher harmonics as part of the ASCA.


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