
  • Nina Filimonenko VOLODYMYR DAHL EAST UKRAINIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1867-3812




: coal conversion, liquefaction of coal, liquid fuel, calcium carbide, electro-thermal furnaces, shaft furnace.


The article is devoted to the improvement of the technology of obtaining Liquid Motor Fuels from Coal. Unsaturated hydrocarbons are the most important chemical raw material products and are widely used for producing polymers, alcohols and some other organic substances. The paper considers the proposition of technological process of obtaining Synthetic Fuel from Coal with a positive yield effect of the final product with high quality. It is possible to organize the production of Liquid Fuel is made of Coal conversion. The method of Coal conversion into Liquid Motor Fuel is its gasification and hydrogenation but this is not the only way out. The paper proposes the possibility of creating the small plants for the production of synthetic fuels and components of organic synthesis, which can be used of the capacity of metallurgical factories and shops of machine-building enterprises that are vacated areas. In modern society the need is growing to use alternative liquid fuel technologies, for example, by indirect liquefaction of coal. This is especially important for Ukraine during and after hostilities. Ukraine does not have sufficient oil and gas reserves, but it has coal deposits in the coal basin in the west of the country.

An important aspect that is insisted on is the achievement of energy independence. Given the historical traditions and the existing structure of energy deposits in Ukraine, one of the ways to solve this strategic task should be the development of the coal industry. In addition, the environmental component of each of these types of security can be an integrator that integrates them into the national security system. This will help to find their optimal ratio in this system. Moreover, today there is no doubt that any aspect of national security, whether economic, technological or defense, loses its meaning in the event of unfitness of the environment for human life and activity. An influential factor in increasing production of coal for processing in the western part of Ukraine is the maximum extraction of coal reserves and at the same time protection of subsoil.


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