Heat supply of buildings, renewable energy sources, thermal energy, solar energy, biofuel, biogas.Abstract
In this paper, an analysis of the potential of using RES for the heat supply needs of public and residential buildings in Ukraine and the world is carried out. It was determined that Ukraine has one of the largest potentials in Europe for the use of RES. An analysis of the "Energy Strategy of Ukraine for the period until 2035 "Security, energy efficiency, competitiveness" was carried out and it was concluded that there is a trend towards decentralization of energy supply and an increase in the use of RES technologies for thermal energy generation. The total primary energy supply was analyzed by types of sources and volumes of generation. On the basis of a comparative analysis of actual and projected data on RES energy generation, it was concluded that there is a trend towards a gradual decrease in thermal energy generation by coal, gas, and oil-fired boilers, and an increase in generation using biomass boilers, solar collectors, and heat pumps. Based on the analysis of the Net Zero strategy, it was concluded that Ukraine and the world will gradually reduce the use of traditional generation and introduce modern technologies not only for the needs of electricity supply, but also for the needs of heat supply.
Price trend of solar panels and solar systems.
ЗАКОН УКРАЇНИ Про альтернативні джерела енергії
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Blinov I., Trach I., Parus Y., Khomenko V., Kuchanskyy V., Shkarupylo V., "Evaluation of The Efficiency of The Use of Electricity Storage Systems in The Balancing Group and The Small Distribution System," 2021 IEEE 2nd KhPI Week on Advanced Technology (KhPIWeek), 2021. Pp. 262-265. DOI: https://10.1109/KhPIWeek53812.2021.9569981
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