


autonomous energy regions, renewable energy, energy, economic development.


The transition to energy generation from renewable sources is a strategic imperative for many countries around the world. The Russian invasion of Ukraine has made the transition to renewable energy more urgent, as countries want to reduce their dependence on fossil fuel imports from Russia. One of the options for increasing energy security, independence, and environmental friendliness of energy production in Ukraine is the creation of autonomous energy regions. The deployment of decentralized infrastructure for the production of green energy is not an easy task, from an economic point of view it is associated with great prospects and problems. Therefore, the analysis of the socio-economic aspects of the full or partial transition to autonomous systems of renewable energy in the regions of Ukraine is relevant.

The purpose of the article is to study the economic and social prospects and problems to the creation of autonomous energy regions in Ukraine based on world experience. The study identified the main problems of the energy system of Ukraine, analyzed the trends of the renewable energy production market, and considered cases of successful creation of autonomous energy regions in different countries of the world. The article formulates the main social and economic perspectives and problems to the creation of autonomous energy regions in Ukraine.

Based on the analyzed examples, the authors singled out the main success factors for the implementation of projects of autonomous energy regions, in particular, the involvement of the local population and business in the development of a new energy network, the creation of an "ecological brand", the possibility of exporting the generated electricity, support for ecological startups, increasing the energy efficiency of housing. The main socio-economic prospects for Ukrainian communities on this path are energy independence, reducing energy supply costs, creating jobs, developing local businesses, building an "ecological brand" increasing the investment attractiveness of the region, improving the quality of life and health of the population. The most critical problems to the successful implementation of the project of autonomous energy regions in Ukraine are the lack of a consistent policy of the central government in the field of green energy, the lack of initiatives of local authorities and communities in this area, difficulties in attracting long-term investments for the implementation of the project.

As the majority of developed countries are still on the path to decarbonization, the need for a global recovery of Ukraine's energy infrastructure can be a chance to significantly modernize the energy system and join the leading players in the market of renewable energy and sustainable development technologies. The study is practically significant because it offers a perspective vision of the development of the energy system of Ukraine's regions to reduce the state's dependence on fossil fuel imports, increase energy efficiency and safety, and economic and social development of Ukraine's regions. Further implementation of this idea requires a study of the volumes of reserves of renewable energy sources in certain regions of Ukraine, an analysis of the means of stimulating the green energy market (for example, "green" auctions or corporate PPAs), the creation of projects of regional strategies for the transition to renewable energy, etc.


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