


energy transformation, management, energy management, energy management systems, Smart Grid.


The development of management methodology and the concept of energy management in modern conditions of transforming the energy sector by the requirements of the carbon-free economy are considered. New qualitative features and new areas of application of energy management and energy management systems (EMS) in the implementation of the energy transition and implementation of the Smart Grid concept have been revealed. It has been established that modern energy management is a proactive, organized, and systematic coordination of the purchase, transformation, distribution, and use of energy to meet requirements, taking into account environmental and economic goals. In contrast to the formation of the EMS according to the ISO 50000 series of standards, today the construction of the EMS is becoming more relevant, which provides systemic (complex) optimization of the parameters, structure, and modes of various technical objects according to a set of technical, economic and environmental criteria.

It is shown that EMS is much more than a simple technical solution for monitoring the parameters and state of energy systems. With comprehensive forecasts of energy demand and supply, this system takes energy management to a completely new level, allowing operators of facilities (enterprises, buildings, and smart networks and systems) to determine the strategic direction of energy management, implement it, and achieve both energy efficiency and energy availability and environmental (social) acceptability. The components of EMS for Smart Grid are characterized, in particular: monitoring (actual energy production, actual energy demand, state of charge of energy storage, price uncertainty); forecast (energy production, energy demand, mobile data storage, uncertainty); power quality management (loss minimization, power quality indicators, and reliability/comfort); planning/dispatch/cost (operating costs, reduction of GHG emissions, profit maximization).

It is proposed that a promising direction is to consider the SEM as a system of information and communication technologies, which at the system level is combined with power energy processes used by operators of electric power systems and networks to monitor, control, and optimize the productivity of production, transmission, and consumption of energy resources in systems of various hierarchical levels. level (as UES of Ukraine, regional and local systems, on specific energy facilities or individual energy technologies, etc.). Based on the analysis of prospective areas of application of EMS at energy sector facilities, modern areas of scientific and technical research in the construction of energy management systems for energy, electric power, and electrotechnical systems, which are practical to carry out in Ukraine, have been determined.


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