


power grids, modes of operation of generators and loads, evaluation of the optimality level of processes, electricity losses, Frize power, and targeted influence.


An analysis of the levels of non-optimality of electricity generation and consumption processes in low-voltage electrical networks with the unevenness of electricity generation and consumption was carried out. Measures to reduce electricity losses in such networks have been systematized. The assessment of the influence of uneven electricity generation and consumption on the level of costs in the electric network is given. To reduce electricity losses by analyzing the potential of managing power supply modes, it is proposed to use the method of assessing non-optimal levels of the local electric power system using the reactive power of Frize QF.

The non-optimality of selection from the generator and consumption of electricity loads is evaluated from the point of view of the operation of the electricity system as a whole. The degree of deviation from uniform energy consumption with the average level of active power transfer for a given time interval was chosen as an evaluation criterion. The power of Frize QF is used to compare the real mode of operation of the electric power system with the optimal mode. This calculation can cover any time. The use of QF made it possible to unify the analysis of energy supply processes of electric power system loads, providing the possibility of retrospective, current, and prospective analysis. The use of Frize QF power provides an opportunity to assess technical, economic, and technological factors, such as the influence of various factors on the appearance of additional electricity losses, and the stability and stability of the system when changing the operating modes of generators and loads.

The conducted analysis made it possible to propose an algorithm for assessing the level of optimality of mode management in electrical networks, which can be implemented both with the involvement of a dispatcher and in automatic mode. The evaluation of the addressable impact based on the Frize power is of particular relevance for local electric power systems, where various types of generators of limited power based on renewable energy and various types of energy consumption technologies are widely used.


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