


analysis, solar panel, efficiency, degradation, temperature, research


The article substantiates the relevance of the issue of researching and analyzing the impact of degradation on the efficiency of solar panels. A brief analysis of the main features of the use of solar panels of various types is carried out, their main characteristics that affect their service life are presented. The main types and causes of degradation of photovoltaic modules, which are associated with both mechanical and environmental influences, as well as with the influence of electrical quantities during the operation of solar panels, are considered in detail. The main conclusions about the most influential degradation factors are obtained, among which it is advisable to highlight the influence of temperature - both the external air temperature and the heating temperature of the solar panel itself - for further study. An analysis of current research on the study of the peculiarities of degradation of photovoltaic modules under the influence of various factors associated with both environmental influences and the influence of electrochemical processes directly in the panel system is carried out. Particular attention is paid to studies of the effect of temperature on their performance. Preliminary experimental measurements of solar panel performance parameters at different light intensities and when the panel is heated in the range from 19 to 78 °C were carried out on the basis of a laboratory setup. Based on the data obtained, a graph of the dependence of the efficiency of a solar PV module on its surface temperature was constructed and it was found that the efficiency of the panel begins to decline actively after the temperature of its surface rises above 50-55°C. To confirm and detail the data obtained, the next task is to conduct similar studies with different types of solar panels and under different operating conditions. Also, the next step will be to further investigate the impact of ambient temperature on the efficiency of photovoltaic modules, as well as to find a specific link between the impact of this temperature on the heating of solar cells and, accordingly, to assess the impact of these parameters on the degradation of solar panels in general.


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