
  • Баян Рақышұлы Рақышев Казахський національний технічний університет імені Каниша Сатпаєва, Kazakhstan
  • Ақшолпан Әуелбекқызы Копесбаева Алматинський університет енергетики та зв'язку, Kazakhstan
  • Алма Мұхаметжанқызы Әуезова Алматинський університет енергетики та зв'язку, Kazakhstan
  • Айдар Ермекалиұлы Құттыбаев Казахський національний технічний університет імені Каниша Сатпаєва, Kazakhstan



SCADA-system, computer modeling, computer-aided design, the objects of mining technology, parameters of the charge location


Training of highly qualified personnel at Higher Educational Institutions will be incomplete if students (bachelors, masters and doctors) don’t have the opportunity to test modules of technological and pro-duction processes, as they would not be able to determine the structure and parameters of these processes via control channels and estimate the equation of relationship of input and output coordinates graphically/visually, consequently, such personnel cannot operate (manage) production, much less create and design new more efficient technologies and control systems thereof. Modern supervisory control and data acquisition systems (SCADA) — allow developing virtual models of different complexity most closely resembling actual technological and production processes, controller management of such processes, visualization and opportunity of testing parameters changes of technological processes in real time mode for use in corresponding training researching in major technical specialties at HEI. This article considers the research of complex structured blocks in quarry conditions, development of software hardware complexes for determination of internal structure of debris and their rock processing characteristics, parameters of drilling and blasting operations, and visualization in real time mode of rock mass with different blasting parameters based on modern SCADA systems.


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Адамбаев М.Д., Ауэзова А.М. Use of the Programmable Logical Controllers in Studies Technical Specialties of Higher Education Institutions. // “Modern Science: Problems and Perspectives” International Conference, Las Vegas, NV, April 15, 2013. International Center for Education & Technology, USA. С. 337-339.

Ракишев Б.Р. Автоматизированное проектирование параметров и результатов массовых взрывов на карьерах. – Казахстан, Алматы: КазНТУ, 2006. - 110 с.

Адамбаев М.Д., Ауэзова А.М. Programming controllers and visualization in the software environment Unity Pro. // The 11 th International Scientific Conference “Information Technologies and Management”, 18-19 april 2013. Riga. С. 74-76.

