
  • Мұрат Жантасұлы Адамбаев Казахський національний технічний університет імені Каниша Сатпаєва, Kazakhstan
  • Алма Мұхаметжанқызы Әуезова Алматинський університет енергетики та зв'язку, Kazakhstan
  • Әсел Мұратқызы Адамбаева Казахський економічний університет імені Турара Рискулова, Kazakhstan



energy efficiency, ball milling, the fortress of raw materials, innovative technology, laboratory tests, the moving trajectory, the control of the fortress of raw materials


Below - The results of laboratory studies of new energy efficient technologies grinding of raw materials. These technologies are the one of the most energy-intensive industries in the industry. These findings confirm the possibility of getting of groundbreaking of the technical and economic indicators in the implementation of the proposed innovative raw material grinding in ball mills. The last one is achieved by maintaining them in optimal trajectories of in-mill download depending on the constantly changing physical and mechanical properties (strength) of the crushed product. Inside the mill the most effective modes of grinding are quickly realized (impact, abrasion, crushing). Achieved a reduction in specific energy consumption depending on the strength of crushed material to 31,3 ÷ 43,5% while increasing productivity mills for raw materials of various classes fortress on 22,3 ÷ 57,3%. For Industrial test of offering technology was developed the variant of the automatic control of the fortress of the crushed material in the mill. The Books 5, Tables 3, Fig. 2.


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Инновационный патент No20963 Республики Казахстан «Способ автоматического контроля суммарной загрузки двухкамерной сепараторной мельницы и устройство для его осуществления». Опубл. 16.03.2009, бюл.No3 / Адамбаев М.Д., Абдикадиров Н.Н., Адилханов Д.Б., Достанов Д.А.

