
  • Oleh Hryhorovych Burdo Одеська національна академія харчових технологій, Ukraine
  • Serhii Heorhiiovych Terziiev Одеська національна академія харчових технологій, Ukraine
  • Yuliia Olehivna Levtrynska Одеська національна академія харчових технологій, Ukraine



energy efficiency, energy, energy management, energobusiness, energy deficit


he analysis of the energy situation in world, countries of former Soviet Union and Ukraine was carried out. Paradoxical character of energy problems had been shown. The questions of comfort level and ecology according to consuming energy recourses had discoursed. Connect between quality of life and level of energy consumption are displayed in this article. We had analyzed energy recourses distribution in the world. It was prognoses possible review of energy resources market. We compared models of energy policy and strategy of the stat. High profitability of centralize energy supply management at the municipal level had been underlined. It was considered science potential problems and development of energy management. Accordance of energy prices to level of building thermal protection has been analyzed. Also was analyzed price accordance for different projects. We had tried to show actuality of the market approach question for choice energy sources in conditions energy business and government incorporation. The problems of Ukraine energy politic conformity with responsibility about gas contract with Russia had been tabled, Also, we examined the role of energy in technological chain agro-industrial complex.


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