
  • Iryna Hennadiivna Yakovlieva Запорізька державна інженерна академія, Ukraine
  • Anton Serhiiovych Mnykh Запорізька державна інженерна академія, Ukraine



segregation, imitation model, the finite elements method, thermal regime, horizon layer, charge


The problem of constant energy prise rising necessitates further researches about material loading and fuel and chemical component distribution along pallets, as well as thermal processes in the layer of sintered bauxite charge. The analysis of current state of the sintering process modeling problem suggests the need for adequate thermal model of the bauxite agglomeration process for sintering process optimization tasks solving. This paper contains results of bauxite charge sintering process modeling on finite element thermal model developed by author. Simulation results achieved to eliminate inherent to this process, lack of heat in the upper horizons of the layer and its excess, due to the accumulation of recovered heat in the lower layers. Conducting researches revealed uneven character of transmitted power distribution, which is released per unit volume, both with weight and height of the cake, which has a substantial increase in areas near the edge and a gradual decrease from the upper to the lower horizons of the cake. It was investigated combustion time of solid fuel particles for the conditions of considered process. Also was performed the calculation of optimal distribution of coke breeze, both with height and width of sinter pallets, with the accumulation of heat overlying agglomerate horizons. This ensures the alignment of the maximum temperature of the combustion zone in horizons of layer. The simulation results led to the conclusion about the possibility of reducing the amount of fuel in the charge, subject to the required concentration of coke breeze in the horizon, which is possible in amplification of size fractions segregation of the feed material with height of pallets.


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