
  • Vasyl Oleksandrovych Kokhanovskyi Національний технічний університет України «Київський політехнічний інститут імені Ігоря Сікорського»,



switching devices, contact material, contact-detail, commutation wearproofness, electric erosion


In the article grounded methods of creation ecologically safe composition contact material with the promoted electro-erosive firmness for switching devices. The resource of exploitation, reliability and ecological safety of switching devices is improved due to usіng in them the new developed contact materials on the basis of silver. For determination of type of admixtures which improve operating descriptions of contact material, their research was conducted after character of influence on contact properties of material and the choice of certain ingredients pursuant to scientific principles of structural building of composition materials is grounded. Comparative experimental research of switching devices with serial and experimental contact materials on commutation wearproofness showed that electro-erosive firmness of experimental contact-details in 1,8..2 times is higher, than in serial.


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