
  • Oleh Vitaliiovych Lysak Інститут відновлюваної енергетики НАН України, Ukraine



storage heaters, electric storage heating, heat transfer, payback period


The article describes the implementation of storage heaters. The main of topic is the evaluation of payback period of heating systems which use storage heaters. These systems are compared to district heating systems, gas heating systems and direct electric heating systems. The cost of all systems is taken as for Kyiv, Ukraine. The analysis shows that at the current price level the implementation of storage heaters (storage electric heating) is the best option for residential dwellings which use district heating and for other consumers which use direct electric heating. It leads to the greatest reduction of operating costs and thus reducing payback periods. So only these cases are used to evaluate possible payback period. It is important to mention that the smallest reduction in operating costs for both types of consumers are both in the case of replacing gas heating systems with storage heaters. In order to determine the payback period, it is calculated energy consumption per 1 kW of installed capacity of a storage heater and unit cost per 1 kW of installed capacity. Both manufactured in Ukraine and abroad storage heaters are presented in this article and their costs per 1 kW of installed capacity are analysed and compared. The payback period is analysed both for conditions of a simple calculation and for options when the discount rate is taking into account. Thus, the discount rate E varied from 0 to 22%. The calculations, made in this article, show that the cost of a storage heater varies considerably, and under simple calculation (E = 0%) and the minimum cost of a storage heater payback period may be 3 ... 5 years, and with higher value of discount rate E and the use of a more expensive storage heater, the payback period can exceed payback period of 20 years.

Author Biography

Oleh Vitaliiovych Lysak, Інститут відновлюваної енергетики НАН України

пров. інж.


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