
  • Vira Ivanivna Vasylenko Національний технічний університет України «Київський політехнічний інститут імені Ігоря Сікорського», Ukraine



energy efficiency, energy audit, Zipf law technocenosis, rank analysis, N-distribution.


The article outlines the issues of increasing energy efficiency and energy security of Ukraine, presents the technical energy system, and considers the problems of optimization of energy efficiency management.

The research levels in the field of energy saving are presented and analyzed. The methods of mathematical statistics and technocenological methods of energy consumption modeling are presented.

A normal distribution law (often called the Gauss law) and rank analysis, which is understood as the method of research technocenosis, involves optimization based on the criteria of the form of hyperbolic H-distributions, is considered. The procedures of interval estimation, parametric rationing, forecasting and standardization of consumption of resources are resulted. Rank analysis is presented in procedures such as: difflex analysis (performed at the interval evaluation interval), GZ-analysis (performed at the stage of forecasting) and ASR-analysis (carried out at the stage of valuation).

The mathematical apparatus of the technocenological approach is represented by three models of hyperbolic H distribution: sighting, ranked and ranked by parameter.

The algorithm of the rank analysis for the forecast of power consumption is developed. The procedure of technocenological optimization is described. Studies of cenoses are reduced to their systematic description of the hierarchical system of indicators (which is necessary for the identification of the cenosis) and to the structural cenological description. The paper presents the ranked parametric distribution of technocenoses for the consumption of electric energy by budgetary organizations and institutions of Solomyansky district of Kyiv in 2016, and the analytical dependence of this technocenose for the subsequent optimization procedure on the parameter of electric power consumption is calculated.


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