
  • Dmytro Viktorovych Stepanov Вінницький національний технічний університет, Ukraine
  • Mykola Vasylovych Deundiak Науково-виробниче підприємство «Новітні технології 2006», Ukraine
  • Oleksandr Mykolaiovych Kaliuzhko Вінницький національний технічний університет, Ukraine




burner, wastes of wood, humidity, temperature of torch, lining-up


The prospects of utilization of wood wastes with humidity 9,5...50% in Ukraine are analysed, it is indicated on perspective of re-equipment of gas boilers by installation of burners on wastes of wood, the construction of burner by power 3000 kWt is analysed, which works on wastes of wood. With the use of mathematical model heathydrodynamic processes in a burner, which is built taking into account the Normative method of thermal calculation of boilers, balance equalizations of gasogeneration and features of construction of burner, numerical researches of his modes of operations are conducted. Influence of fuel descriptions, appearing synthesis-gas and modes of operations of burner on its heating engineering indexes – calculation temperature of torch, surfaces of lining-up and second air – is analysed. The rational modes of operations of burner at incineration of wood wastes are exposed.


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