power consumption efficiency, power consumption control, energy baseline, water supply pumping stationAbstract
The article deals with the issues of improvement the power consumption efficiency control of municipal water supply systems objects by taking into consideration the influence of external environment cyclic changes. The interconnection of the power consumption efficiency of pumping stations and water consumption, which is influenced by climatic and social factors, has been substantiated. A set of tasks preceding the formation of the energy baseline to ensure the correct control of the power consumption efficiency has been formulated.
The procedure of cyclic changes detection of the water supply process has been proposed. It involves search of similarities in the daily graphs of water consumption from the water supply network. The expediency of successive use for such search of methods of cluster and discriminant analysis has been substantiated. The procedure result is the formation of groups of the same type graphs. Its implementation allows determining the time period for collecting data on the relevant variables and performing a formalized description of the pumping station water supply mode, in particular, determining the mean values of the relevant variables and their change limits. These results are the basis of the formation of technological parameters norms for controlling the conformity of the water supply technological process to the previously planned. The mean values have been proposed to be used as planned values of the relevant variables for determining the energy baseline.
In order to ensure the correct control of the power consumption efficiency, the implement recognition procedure of the water supply daily graphs to one of the typical classes has been proposed. The classification functions built on the final stage of discriminant analysis is its basis. Identification of the appliance of the graph to the typical groups is carried out first by season, and then by day type. The fact of implement of the graph to irregular days is fixed. The use of the proposed procedures allows taking into consideration the change in the actual conditions of the pumping stations functioning, due to seasonal changes and changes in the life rhythm of the population at workdays and weekends.
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