

Ключові слова:

control, iterative learning, control algorithm, cyclic processes, continuous systems, discrete systems


In many industries there are technological processes that are cyclical in nature. In the control of such processes, the high-efficiency method has been demonstrated by the method of control with iterative learning (ILC). The article introduces a new modification of the method of control with iterative learning (ILC) in a situation where the task of the system is given by a set of values of initial variables at certain points at certain discrete moments of time. Such a statement of the problem calls for the construction of the trajectory of the system through specified points. In this article, we propose a method that ensures that the system passes through given points at a given time without constructing the trajectory of a task. This method involves the formation of control signals using the ILC-algorithm. This allows you to simplify calculations and improve the quality of the system. This method is considered for both continuous and discrete systems. The proposed algorithm of control with iterative learning provides tracking of given output variables with sufficient accuracy at high convergence of the algorithm. Simultaneously, this algorithm is simple and does not require the preliminary construction of the trajectory of the system.


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