

Ключові слова:

SmartGrid, energy generating system, static billing, dynamic billing.


The electric power industry of Ukraine is a technologically sophisticated, territorially ramified system combining power generating stations, the United Electric Power System (UES) and distribution electric networks of the country. The level of development of the electric power complex has a decisive influence on the condition of the economy in the state, on solving the problems of the social sphere and people's living standards. And it is no accident that energy independence is always associated with the national security of the state. The electric power complex of Ukraine was formed as an integral part of the electric power complex of the USSR and therefore does not fully comply with the requirements for the energy complex of an independent state. The structure of generating capacities requires a significant change. The strategic goal of the development of the electric power complex is its fundamental restructuring based on the latest technologies, ensuring maneuverability, energy and economic efficiency, environmental acceptability, external competitiveness and market operating conditions, ensuring a stable, reliable, safe, high-quality supply of electric energy to the country's economic and social sectors. Price regulation in the energy market now takes place in statics, which does not allow assessing the dynamic changes in the tariff price of electricity in local isolated systems. With a sudden change in the power of an isolated energy generating system, a change in the tariff price of electricity occurs, which cannot be taken into account when using static models. For the above example, the question arises of the need to use dynamic charging models, including the presence of transients when the generator operating modes change and their influence on the deviation of the real values of the economic parameters of the system. The dynamic impact of the electrical parameters of the generating system on the economic ones is a determining factor for rejecting the generally accepted hourly billing in Ukraine’s energy networks due to its unprofitability. It is relevant to use a model of flexible dynamic pricing, which will ensure an adequate tariff price for electricity.


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