DOI:Ключові слова:
uncertainty of information, distributed generation, multicriteria comparison of alternativesАнотація
The estimation of influence of the distributed generation on such characteristics of a distribution network mode of operation as losses of electric energy, voltage drops and reliability of power supply are considered. These factors should be taking into account in the process of comparing different alternatives of generating sources integration into the network. It is shown that in the distribution networks an objective assessment of the mentioned above mode of operation characteristics is impossible without taking into consideration the uncertainty of information and ways of solving this problem are proposed. Methods have been developed for adequately taking into account the actual level of information uncertainty for determining of electrical loads and output power of alternative sources distributed generation, modeling of distribution network and assessment of their main indicators. The universal approach to determine the load flow in distribution networks with different levels of information uncertainty, including fuzzy estimates of electrical loads and output capacity of distributed generation sources is developed. An algorithm for multicriteria decision-making, taking into account the uncertainty of the considered criteria, their different physical nature and dimension is presented. Implementation of the results obtained in this work will improve the integrated efficiency of modern distribution networks with distributed generation sources connected to them.Посилання
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