DOI:Ключові слова:
reliability, balance, mode, network, Microgrid.Анотація
The use of renewable energy installations in local systems affects the reliability of power supply. At the moment, in order to assess the reliability of power supply in local systems with renewables, there is a large number of indicators that are not directly related to each other.
Reliability is one of the key concepts in electricity. The reliability of the power system is a feature of the continuous supply of electricity to consumers to meet their needs. The concept of reliability includes such features as failure-free, durability and maintainability. But this terminology has not become commonplace, it has not embraced or streamlined many terms for reliability. Thus, many authors use the concepts of structural, mode (functional) and balance reliability. This separation is conditional, first, to simplify the solution of the task of assessing the reliability of complex networks, and secondly, based on quantitative assessments of the components, measures can be taken to improve the level of reliability.
Changes in energy sector related to the implementation of market relations and disyributed generation require an update of terminology that can be used to decompose the reliability assessment task. Because assessing the reliability of distribution grids in today's environment is quite a challenge.
The purpose of the article is to analyze the reliability of power supply for local systems with renewables. One of the main issues in this topic, despite the large amount of research work involved, is the uncertainty of the method for calculating the reliability of power supply in Microgrids. The paper assesses the reliability of power supply and proves the need to introduce new indicators for local systems with renewables, since distributed energy sources, including renewables, affects systems reliability. Such indicators will allow assessing the reliability by each factor individually, and will show the impact of each factor on the overall state of the system.
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