DOI:Ключові слова:
heat pump heating and ventilation system, air heat pump, recuperator, exhaust air recirculation.Анотація
Today, there is a great demand for renewable energy sources, because the cost of natural energy resources and sanctions on installations that have a harmful impact on the environment are constantly increasing. More and more enterprises in Ukraine are moving to more advanced technologies to meet consumer needs. Thus, demand for the use of heat pumps as an alternative source of heat is increasing in Ukraine every day. One of the most promising areas for the use of heat pumps is the ventilation and air-heating systems for large-volume buildings. Energyefficiency increase of such systems can be achieved by combining heat pumps with different methods of heat recovery utilization. In this regard, a combined air heating and ventilation system with heat recovery recuperation and partial exhaust air recirculation is considered. The purpose of this study is to make thermodynamic analysis of the system and determine the influence of the external conditions, the type of building and the parameters of heat recovery devices on the energy efficiency of the heat supply system.
The article deals with the thermodynamic and numerical analysis of the combined heat pump air heating and ventilation system with heat recuperation and exhaust air recirculation taking into account the parameters of the outside air and the type of the building. It is determined that, despite the decrease in energy efficiency of the heat pump air heating and ventilation system with the utilization of exhaust ventilation air with an increase in the relative costs of heat for heating in comparison with the costs of heat for ventilation, the specific costs of external energy per unit of produced heat remain low even at low ambient air temperatures. In this regard, the combined heat pump system is considered to be recommended as an alternative system for the heat supply of large objects.
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V. A. Stepanenko, A. S. Afanasyev, “Heat pumps in the heat supply systems and air conditioning of cities and buildings of Ukraine in the 21st century” // International conference “Heat pumps in the CIS countries” – Alushta (Crimea, Ukraine ) 2013.
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M.K. Bezrodny and N.O. Pritula , Thermodynamic and Energy Efficiency of Heat Pump Heat Supply Circuits. Kyiv, Ukraine: NTUU KPI, 2016, 272 p.
M.K. Bezrodny, Thermodynamic efficiency of heat-pumping systems of repeated heat and ventilation with heat recovery and recycled heat recovery / M.K. Bezrodny, N.O. Pritula, I.Yu. Opanasyuk // KPI Science News. 2019. – No. 3, 7– 15 р.
DBN V.2.5-67: 2013, Separated ventilation and air conditioning – Kyiv: Ministry of Ukraine 2013 – 113 p.
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