DOI:Ключові слова:
elevator group, indicators of reliability, failure rate, renewal rate, status graph, readiness function, readiness factor, service lifeАнотація
Elevators belong to the high risk mechanisms, so their reliable and safe operation is an important
task in the construction of various real estate objects, especially multi-storey buildings. Ensuring for the reliable
operation of elevators can be done in different ways. This is first of all the use of modern highly reliable
electromechanical equipment and technologies for the manufacture and installation of elevator installations, the
use of non-traditional kinematic circuits of the structural device of elevators, which allow to reduce the number of
units of equipment in the elevator installation. And in the period of operation is the use of effective systems of
technical diagnostics, maintenance and repair in order to prevent equipment failures and timely and quality
The booking of elevators number, in more than 2 or 3 installations in the group of elevators of a single
building gives a significant result in improving of the reliability of the operation of elevators of multi-storey
buildings, that simultaneously contributes to reducing the period of time for applications for the carriage of
passengers. For countries such as Ukraine, the problem of operating an elevator system is the outdated fleet of
existing elevators, exceeding of the regulatory terms of their operation with the simultaneous mass growth of new
buildings, in addition, further complicated by the lack of a sufficient number of qualified maintenance staff with
sufficient material incentives and outflow. Therefore, the urgent problems of the present are the establishment of
reasonable operating times of single elevator installations, reliability indicators of the group of elevators, the
optimal amount of their reservation, ensuring their diagnostics and reforming of the maintenance and repair system
in accordance with the features of today's requirements of operation of a complex elevator economy as an important
component of high-functioning infrastructure cities. These studies are carried out with the application of queuing
theory and reliability of reserved passenger transportation systems, analytical methods for investigating of the
technical reliability of the operation for elevator installations.
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Stepanov, M.A., & Mechiev, A.V. (2016). Determination of the optimal structure of the elevator fleet using
the criterion of technical and economic efficiency. Mechanization of construction, 77 (7), 49-51.
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the risk of ensuring the structural safety of elevators. Mechanization of construction, 78 (4), 24-29.
Technical regulations of the Customs Union (TR CU 011/2011). "Safety of elevators."
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