DOI:Ключові слова:
dangerous and harmful factors, hazards factors, the production environment, sensors, convertersАнотація
The paper describes the principles of physical factors control systems construction that are based on the use
of analog sensors and analog-frequency converters for the transmission of information. The assembly of monitoring
hazards factors of the working environment information sources is regarded as a set of random processes. The
discrete messages formation in the dynamics occurs with a frequency that reflects the process of changing the
physical parameter in time. In this case, the accuracy of the output information depends on the pulse frequency and
the time interval over which the information is supplied. It is shown that the maximum frequency of the output pulses
is limited by the bandwidth of the communication channel, which leads to significant errors in the physical factors
control system. It is shown that the maximum frequency of the output pulses is limited by the bandwidth of the
communication channel, which leads to significant errors in the physical factors control system. These errors
significantly affect the behavior of the forecasting system. The actual evaluation of the controlled process at
moments between sensor information pulses allows to reduce the information representations error. The measuring
path of the control system includes primary analog physical factor meters and analog - frequency converters. The
current value of the controlled parameter is considered to be some random non-stationary process. The sensor in
such measurement system operates on the threshold integrators principle and each regular pulse is received after
reaching the threshold value. The procedure of estimation of parameters of a production environment at a discrete
presentation of information provides increase of accuracy of their control at the expense of estimation of a parameter
in the moments of time between information pulses. The general structure of the control of dangerous and harmful
factors of the production environment system is presented.
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