DOI:Ключові слова:
струменева цементація, ґрунтоцементні колони, джет-колони, напружено- деформований стан, зона впливуАнотація
The technology of jet grouting is used to achieve various construction and geotechnical goals, as it allows
you to create elements of different configurations and lengths of varying complexity in engineering and geological
It follows that modern procedures for designing foundations, enclosing and holding structures,
waterproofing barriers and screens, tunnels, etc. must be adapted to the alternative of replacing rigid elements such
as drilling and driven piles with jet grouted elements.
Specific aspects related to jet grouting must be added to the usual design process: selection of the type of jet
grouting, estimation of soil treatment parameters, prediction of the size and strength of the jet grouted elements,
analysis of possible undesirable effects on the surrounding buildings and structures.
One of these specific aspects includes the effect of the implementation of soil grouted elements made by jet
grouting technology on the surrounding soil massif and the change in its physical and mechanical properties.
This article analyzes the results of a study of the physical and mechanical characteristics of soils located
between two soil-cement columns made using jet grouting technology. Areas with improved soil parameters are
highlighted. The analysis of numerous changes in the indicators of physical and mechanical characteristics is
carried out and the zones of maximum impact are determined. It is proposed to use the experimental data on the
presence of an improved soil zone for modeling and studying the changes in the stress-strain state of an massif of
soil with jet grouted reinforcing elements, when including improved soil zones in the calculation, which will make
it possible to reduce the number of soil-cement elements in the future when reinforcing soil masses.
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