

Ключові слова:

energy analysis, total energy, direct energy, indirect energy, total energy intensity, balance models, process analysis


The article provides an overview of the terminology, methods, goals and objectives of energy analysis, as
well as methodological approaches to its implementation. The reasons for the limited use of energy analysis in
Ukraine are identified: the use of balance models is limited by the lack of statistics on intersectoral balance, and
the analysis of the process by the complexity of the calculation models. The structure of total energy intensity is
proposed. It is noted that in estimating energy costs for imports of energy and products, it is necessary to use the
energy equivalent of the currency, taking into account all foreign currency revenues. It is determined that the further
development of energy analysis using the process analysis approach requires refinement of the methodology
proposed in DSTU 3682-98 and GOST 30583-98 by developing adequate simplifying assumptions and reducing the
complexity of the calculation models. Improvement of this technique will increase the efficiency of energy analysis
of investment projects, foreign economic relations, plans for economic development of the country, functioning of
the economy and individual production processes, as well as expand the scope of energy analysis.


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