https://doi.org/10.20535/1813-5420.4.2019.200507Ключові слова:
valve engine conversion quality power converter, timing angle, switching and stockАнотація
The results of the impact study ways to control the switch to electricity conversion quality valve engine.
Quality energy conversion brushless estimated parameters of current, voltage and power. It is shown that an
increase in engine load factors shape, amplitude and harmonic ratios tend to values characteristic sinusoidal
current. For engineering calculations when assessing the quality indicative of power conversion valve motor current
can sufficiently identify with the main and first few harmonics. The indicators characterizing the shape of the voltage
curve of the engine and its harmonic components, are difficult depending on how functional the drive and advance
angles, switching and stock. Quality deteriorate with increasing voltage angles and advancing stock. For real
corners and mode switching control to maintain a constant angle stock at a minimum, quality voltage and power
brushless correspond best indicator variable-frequency drive with induction motors. The article shows that as well
as indicators voltage power conversion rates are much higher for the process control to maintain a constant angle
stock at a minimum, to maintain than the angle of sustainable value. Calculations show that in the case of the control
method to maintain a constant angle stock at a minimum loss in valve engine from the higher harmonic components
are small and can be reduced by increasing the inductance smoothing choke.
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