DOI:Ключові слова:
municipal solid waste, pollutants, humidity, recycling, emissions, chemical compoundsАнотація
The article deals with the current issue of solid waste management for today and emphasizes that heat
treatment is the most effective method of waste reduction. Under the heat treatment, the combustion process is
considered. The impact of pollutants released during the incineration of household waste is reviewed. It is revealed
that a number of certain parameters are taken into account while planning the process of incineration of a mixture
of solid waste. Such as technology that will dispose of debris, morphological composition, the need for pre-treatment
(sorting, grinding), the aggregate state of waste, fractional composition, heat of combustion of waste, etc. Equally
important is the humidity of the waste to be recovered through incineration. Humidity is the amount of water
absorbed into the material in the form of steam or liquid. It can be expressed in two separate ways, as a percentage
of the wet weight of the sample or as a percentage of the dry weight of the sample. Therefore, this paper focuses on
such an important parameter when burning solid waste as humidity, and presents typical humidity data. The analysis
of the concentration of basic chemical compounds during the incineration of municipal solid waste, depending on
the degree of their humidity was done. The acceptable waste incineration humidity is calculated, with minimum
emissions. Microsoft Excel and MathCad software were used to simplify the calculation. Real values of humidity
and emission concentration were used in the determination. The transformations, ratios and calculations determine
the dependencies for each emission were established. Using the factors that take into account the hazard class of
the substances and adding all the values, the minimum emission value and the humidity at which this value is
observed were found. A calculation algorithm has been developed to determine the amount of emissions that will be
generated by burning a specific mixture of solid waste.
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