DOI:Ключові слова:
indicator-based analysis, electrification rate, access to electricity, innovative solutions, Sub-Saharan countriesАнотація
In the article, there was conducted an indicator-based analysis for assessing the preconditions for the deployment of innovative energy solutions in Sub-Saharan countries for extending access of their population to electricity. This type of analysis was used to assess the state of investigated Sub-Saharan countries with certain criteria over a defined period of time regarding their abilities to attract investments in innovative energy solutions for extending access to electricity. The criteria and indicators necessary for assessing preconditions on the deployment of innovative energy solutions in Sub-Saharan countries in the frame of indicator-based analysis were determined. The middle-income economy, the institutional and social stability, the acceptable level of security, the lasting economic growth, and the rate of electrification were chosen as the key criteria attractive for investments in the energy sector. The criteria were based on the set of universal typical indicators that define the state of the economic, institutional and social environment across the countries in the identical qualitative definitions and quantitative features. To avoid the bias of inferences and reduce the vulnerability of the decision-making process, information modeling techniques were applied for data processing. Grounded on these techniques, the binary matrix table was designed to manage and arrange the descriptive informational data about countries. As a result of the indicator-based analysis, the group of Sub-Saharan countries, which confirmed the criteria for attracting investment in innovative energy solutions, was defined. These countries were analyzed in detail regarding the dynamics of the electrification rate. The number of inhabitants without access to electricity and the approximate number of households that need to get access to electricity were evaluated. The possible innovative solutions for improving access to electricity were also considered.Посилання
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