DOI:Ключові слова:
solar irradiation, solar power plant, photovoltaic panel, rechargeable batteries, inverter, efficiencyАнотація
To meet the increasing demand for energy resources, interest in alternative and renewable energy sources has increased significantly around the world. Ukraine has a high potential for the development of alternative energy, one of which is the implementation of solar power plants (SPP) [1]. It should be noted that efficient operation of the SPP is not feasible without the appropriate selection of equipment and correct calculation of its installation parameters (location, orientation, tilt angle of photovoltaic panels (PV panels), etc.), which, in turn, must take into account a number of factors and features specific to each region of Ukraine. While selecting the components we can use their certificate data, stated by the manufacturer, but the information necessary to determine the location of installation of equipment and its position in most cases is absent. Today, there are many papers concerning the optimization of parameters that affect electric energy generation and contain broad recommendations for the installation of the SPP in different regions of Ukraine. But they all have only theoretical calculations. Since the Law of Ukraine "On the Electricity Market" came into force [2], the issue of the necessity to predict the operation of electric energy generating capacities also became topical. It is impossible to obtain an accurate prediction of the SPP electric energy generation using only the certificate data of its equipment. Therefore, special attention is paid to the characteristics obtained during the actual working conditions. This paper presents information obtained during the practical operation of the SPP with a nominal power of 3.0 kW located in Sumy, for the period from October 2018 to October 2019.
1. Law of Ukraine “On the Electricity Market [Electronic resource]//ВВР, No.27-28, 2017. - Access to recourse:
2. Kudria, S.O. (2001). Atlas of Energy Potential of Renewable and Unconventional Energy Sources of Ukraine, The Institute of Electrodymanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv.
3. 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development [Electronic resource] // UN. - 2018 – Access to recourse:
4. The Energy Strategy of Ukraine for the period until 2035 "Security, Energy Efficiency, Competitiveness" approved by Order No. 605-р of 18 August 2017 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine [Electronic resource] //Ministry of Energy of Ukraine.- Access to recourse:
5. Website of the State Agency on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of Ukraine
6. Solar Irradiation of Cities of Ukraine [Electronic resource]//Solar-Tech. - 2019. - Access to recourse:
7. Dubinin D.V., Laevskiy V.Ye. (2015). Energy Efficiency of Solar Batteries Under Real Operating Conditions //Bulletin of the Tomsk Polythechnic University, Vol. 326, No. 3, pp. 58-62.
8. Savrasov F.V., Kovalev I.K. (2012). Styding the Efficiency of Solar Battery Under Field Condition // Energetics, Vol. 321, No 4, pp. 165-168.
9. How Can We Convert the Sun into a Source of Energy and Income? Sumy Resident Shares his Experience. [Electronic resource] // Life Sumy. – 2017. –Access to resourse: istochnik-elektroenergii-sumchanin-delitsya-opytom/.
10. Gaevskii, A.Yu., Ushkalenko, О.V. (2016). Determination of Optimal Tilt Angles of Photovoltaic Panels. Renewable Energy, No.1, pp.21-27.
11. Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Solar Photovoltaic Reference Array Report – March 31, 2015. [Electronic resource] // City of Edmonton/NAIT Reference System. - 2019. - Access to recourse:
12. Matvienko, M.P. (2017). Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering. Handbook. Lira-K, Kyiv.
13. Law of Ukraine “On Alternative Energy Sources” [Electronic resource]//ВВР, No.24, 2003. - Access to recourse:
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