https://doi.org/10.20535/1813-5420.2.2020.220712Ключові слова:
autonomous generating unit, the excitation mode, dynamic stabilityАнотація
Reliability improvement of power supply of consumers’ comparable power from the autonomous generating unit in dynamic modes of power surge of the comparative load due to the acceleration of excitation with the use of capacitive energy storage devices and the establishment of the laws and dependencies of their influence on the modes of operation of synchronous generators. The influence of energy storage system in the circuit of a synchronous generator excitation on increasing the life activities of autonomous generating unit has been researched. An algorithm for controlling the excitation circuit of an autonomous generating unit is proposed and substantiated, taking into account the change of the power circuit and the inclusion of capacitive elements in the inertial circuit. The influence of capacitive energy storage in the excitation circuit of synchronous generator on the process of voltage output regulation of autonomous generating unit by means of consumer comparable capacity connection has been investigated is substantiated. The brought mathematical models and algorithm of control over to the contour of excitation. In order to analyze the energy saving measures, the influence of parameters to the contour of excitation on energy exchange processes between the contours of synchronous generator has been considered. A significant improvement in energy performance can be achieved by using asymmetric bridge exciters, which not only reduce reactive power consumption, but also greatly simplify the power converter by replacing the anode or cathode group of controlled valves with diodes, while halving control channels. Calculation and experimental researches proved that the contour parameters of excitation substantially influence on firmness of synchronous generator and initial voltage stabilization. It has been proved that at the same multiplicity of the highest voltage of the exciter, the speed of this device in the mode of forcing the excitation is approximately 20 times higher than traditional excitation systems. In this case, the circuit with forced capacitive switching allows you to reliably turn off the exciter in case of the elements damage of the latter.
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