DOI:Ключові слова:
electromagnetic processes, output voltage and current, multi parametric modulating functions, semi-conductor commutators, modelingАнотація
Analysis of the electromagnetic processes is organized beside this article in electric circuit with semiconductor commutator. Mathematical model is created for analysis electro-magnetic processes in semiconductor converter with width pulsed regulation of the output voltage. The broughted graphs, which reflect the electromagnetic processes in electric circuit. Method much parametric functions was used when performing calculation. The mathematical model of the converter is created for fifteen zoned regulations of the output voltage. Article is devoted to the development of a method of multi-parametric modulating functions by means of working out of new mathematical models and definition of functions and the algorithmic equations for the analysis on sub- system components of electromagnetic processes in electric circuits of variable structure with sinusoidal, direct and pulsing voltage. Introduction of functions with discrete parameters in the algorithmic equations for analysis of processes in circuits with semiconductor commutators simplifies modeling on subsystem components. The mathematical model of steady-state processes and transients in electric circuits of semiconductor converters of modulation type with multi-channel zonal use of phase and line voltages of a three-phase network of power supplies is developed. The mathematical model of electric circuits of thyristor shapers of electro-discharge pulses for the analysis and the matching of capacitors charging modes with decrease several times of electric resistance of technological load is also created. The obtained results have a great value for development theoretical electrical engineering in a direction of simplification of calculations of electromagnetic processes in electric circuits with semi-conductor converters of the electric power. The Electromagnetic processes in electric circuit under width-pulse regulation possible to analyse with use the algorithmic equations multivariable function, which argument are a system parameters semiconductor commutator, signal of control, phases to network of the power supply and time. Introduction multivariable function with discrete parameter in algorithmic equations of the analysis formed and connecting processes in electric circuit of the variable structure allows to reflect change of this structure under system components, simplifying modeling and analysis of such processes to account of the generalization of the got equations. Except specified correlations and diagrams designed model allows to analyse forms of the output voltages and current of the separate power modules.
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