DOI:Ключові слова:
current of short circuit, reactor, guided shunt, decision-making, cost of electricity cuttingАнотація
Now increase of levels and amount of currents of short circuit, there are the problems, related to the increase of efficiency of methods and facilities of limitation of currents of short circuit, which are actual in the context of development power to the sector of Ukraine. A key aspect here is intensification of rates of diminishing of charges to electric power in the productive systems of power supply (ВСЕП) which can be attained by introduction of new or with the increased efficiency of existent methods and facilities of limitation of currents of short circuit. Scientific and practical actuality of perfection of functioning of facilities of limitation of currents of short circuit (КЗ), set forth aim and task of scientific research, is present. As a decision the method of management of limitation of currents of short circuit is first offered and investigational in ВСЕП with the use of струмообмежуючого reactor with the guided shunt. The algorithm of action of the system «reactor _ the guided shunt» is worked out. The analysis of statistical descriptions of sign-function, and also well-proven connection of statistical descriptions of sign-function and descriptions of casual process, is in-process conducted. The mathematical vehicle of theory of extrass of casual functions was used for this purpose. The effective analysis of optimal signs of realization of the system of limitation of currents of КЗ is conducted «reactor _ the guided shunt», that characterize the produced casual processes, at which physical realization of method of classification can be examined in quality of linear classifier which allows to realize a linear дискримінантну function in space of signs. It follows marks also, that limitation of currents of КЗ in ВСЕП on a chart a «reactor _ the guided shunt» has substantial advantages are certain before other existing for today facilities of limitation of currents of КЗ.
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