Complex statistical data analysis of electric power consumption, consumption of energy resources and production volumes
power consumption, energy consumption, statistical data analysisAbstract
Aims of this research are development of a complex statistical analysis algorithm for active electric power consumption data, consumption of energy resources and manufacturing products, implementation of statistical analysis in practice. Proposed parameters and criteria, which can help to technical staff in factories, to provide optimal and economical operating of supply and distribution systems as electricity, water, gas, heat, compressed air, etc. for production facilities, based on the collected active electric power consumption data for previous periods, information about consumption dynamic. It is concluded that the statistical analysis of the data, obtained for each type of engineering equipments (water supply and sewage, supply systems of compressed air, gas, electricity and steam) and various consumables coefficients (in the proposed algorithm) make possible to identify "weak areas" and to determine the most rational ways to optimize energy usage.
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